
Wow, last time I posted was in October! That is way too long ago so let’s get caught up. This year was filled with so many amazing changes and looking back, I can’t believe it all happened. Even though it was crazy for a while, there have been welcomed periods of boredom.

Despite the calmer waters, time is still moving pretty fast. Work is going great and every day I’m reassured that I made the right choice leaving a huge corporation to work for a small company. I am going to the Hawaiian Islands next month for work! I’ll be there for 2 weeks split between Oahu and Hawaii, so stay tuned for a post about Hawaii travel.

Wedding planning is DONE (for the most part). There are some loose ends to tie up but we’re waiting until March/April to get the ball rolling. At this point, I regret not going with my original dream to elope…or at least a semi-elopement with immediate family and few friends. To me, getting married shouldn’t involve obsessing over color themes, answering questions about fabric preferences, picking out fonts for invitations, dresses, food tastings and all that crap but that’s what I find myself doing. Don’t get me wrong, I am very thankful this is even happening but I think my mind is more focused on marriage than it is a wedding, so as much fun as this process is, I’m ready to be marry T.

I’ve been reading a few books on how to have a healthy marriage. When T and I first got engaged, I felt like we needed to educate ourselves on marriage, even though we’ve known each other for so long. We’ve never lived together (duh) and that’s what I was most nervous for. Obviously, we know each other really well, but I was still nervous. For example, he’s never experienced me watching an hour’s worth of YouTube videos right before I go to sleep… or that when I come home from work I grab a snack, plop down on the couch and scroll through social media for 20 minutes. Although those things may seem trivial, my mind kept thinking “will I still be able to do that?” or “is it going to be a problem?” It’s not unlike me to be overly communicative and prepared, so we talked through some things and I feel more ready than ever.

We recently figured out how exactly we’re doing our fusion wedding day and explained every detail on our wedding website so everyone will be in the loop. After the wedding I’d be happy to share the website so everyone can see exactly how we did the whole thing.

It’s crazy to think about 2015. I pulled up some older blog posts and being able to re-experience everything is so cool. I knew this year would be great,  but I had no idea it would be packed full of so many blessings. I have gone through so much growth and change this past year that if I listed everything it could easily span over a few years: changing jobs, moving, traveling, family (babies!), relationships…almost everything has shifted for the better. I hope everyone can find a way to reflect on the positives and grow from the negatives.

Float on!
