Leaps and Bounds

It’s been months since I last posted but so much has happened and I finally have a chance to catch up. Every part of life is changing for the better.

I ended up quitting my job last month. I was on the fence about leaving my career but a round of bad food poisoning pushed me over the edge, as soon as I got discharged from the hospital I put in my two weeks notice. Obviously it was not fun but realizing that I could not even go home to feel better was terrible. I felt so disappointed in myself for quitting, I love working and not having another job lined up made me feel like I jumped the gun on leaving. Over the course of 2 months I had applied for 117 jobs.  After the 115th application I stopped applying because I realized I was being a little crazy and going for anything I thought I qualified for. Instead, I decided get very picky about what I wanted with my career, one thing I knew though was that it had to be close to home. Home meant moving back in with my parents, which i was actually excited for. Once I stopped losing my mind I ended up getting a great job with a company I can see myself with for a long time. The position is 10% travel instead of 100%, so I still get some travel perks which is nice.

Coming back home was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. As I’ve gotten a little older I’ve realized that my parents are loving, generous, strong and wise creatures. It took me leaving home, traveling for a while and being independent to realize how amazing parents are. So yes, I’m in my 20’s and I live with them but I would not have it any other way. It’s a beautiful thing to wakeup in the morning and hangout with them before the day starts, a lot of people would kill for that time with their parents.

Our family dynamic has changed a lot in the past few months. This is mainly because my older sister and her husband of 7 years are finally expecting their first child. They were trying for quite some time to get pregnant so all of us are very excited and thanking God for such a blessing. This baby has shifted the waters for Tyler and I in a very good way. We were hoping that we could get engaged this year.  We planned out some baby steps, having things sprinkled throughout the year so my family, mostly my mom, could get to know him better. That plan didn’t actually play out like we thought it would…

Instead, my sister was in town for a week and had a pretty lengthy discussion with my parents, I’m not really sure what was said but whatever it was, flipped a switch with my mom. My mom decided that when we host my sister’s baby shower next month, we would also do a formal engagement between Ty and I.  In our culture, we have a formal engagement instead of a surprise proposal which is typical of american culture. What happens is the boy’s family comes to the girl’s house and his family asks for her hand in marriage. The girl’s family responds (hopefully with a ‘yes’ since it’s planned out), and the boy presents his bride-to-be with a ring. Gifts are exchanged between the families, photos are taken and it’s a happy time for everyone. However, I grew up in America so this isn’t exactly how I envisioned getting engaged, to be honest. I’m so insanely thankful that we’re moving forward, especially since we’ve been waiting so long, but I do hope T pulls off a surprise proposal  before or after the formal one. The plan is to get engaged and married early next year, which is easier said than done. It’s going to be a crazy 9 months trying to figure out how exactly we’re going to do the wedding while still being respectful of both cultures coming together. IT’S SO CRAZY. It is just nuts. It is absolutely bananas. Bananas and nuts. I don’t really understand how it all happened. What we’ve waited years for is finally happening and we’re so ready for it.

I started this blog for a variety of reasons: I wanted to document my post-graduation-big-girl-job-traveling-the-world life but I also wanted to have an outlet for what T and I were going through, incase there was someone out there going through a similar thing. Future posts will probably revolve around how we’re combining out cultures for a fusion wedding or the process in general and the highs and lows around our union.

Float on!


3 thoughts on “Leaps and Bounds

  1. Hey, congratulations on your pending engagement! The whole process sounds so different to ours in England, I didn’t realise there was such a difference in culture! I’m sure if he does a surprise engagement it’ll be really beautiful :’) x

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  2. 🙂 Thank you! I would love to know how it’s done in England! Yes the south Asian culture definitely impacts the engagement process enormously but it’s all for the best ❤

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